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  • Writer's pictureAngie Wheatley

Time Saving Tips

1. Re-organise your kitchen. Keep the things you frequently use close at hand.

2. Tidy up as you cook. Don't leave a large mess in the sink and on the counter tops.

3. Delegate kitchen duties to the other members of the house. You cooked, they can help to clean and wash up.

4. Plan a weekly menu and shop for the ingredients twice a week. Make a check list of the items you need to cook.

5. Make use of convenient ready-prepared products like pie-crusts, pasta sauces and frozen mixed vegetables and hamburger patties.

6. Make stock and cool it. Measure half a litre and pack into plastic bags and freeze. Thaw a few hours earlier and use as needed.

7. Prepare rempah for sambal or curry in advance and keep in containers. Use within two days.

8. Some meals can be made and frozen. Put these in ceramic heat-proof containers that can go from the freezer to the microwave and to the table.

9. Some supermarkets slice assorted vegetables and pack them for sale. Meat is minced or cubed or sliced. Prawns have their shells removed and fish are filleted and ready to be cooked. These items save on the time it would take to prepare them for cooking.

10. Make your own meat balls and hamburger patties. Pack them in plastic containers and freeze them. Make sure you label the container and write the date you made the food. You don't have to do this if you are going to eat it the next day.

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